Cucumber net: the right tool for training your crops
Cucumber net is the perfect tutor for vertical cultivations
The cucumber net is an agricultural technology based on the traditional system of tutoring plants upwards, for example raffia, capable of producing higher quality, this trellising net practice makes growing crops on espalier much easier. The cultural practice of training crops has been ongoing for several centuries (there are mosaics from the Roman times showing cucumbers trellised with canes and sticks). Many different materials are used for training cucumbers. The older and traditional technique is using agricultural raffia, which acts as a vertical guide for trellising cucumbers, taking advantage of the tendrils´ nature to attach themselves to a fixed pre-existing structure, and since the cucumber-netting acts as kind of grid that will support the plant, the match is perfect. Since a few years ago it has been implementing cucumber-net as support for vegetables. This new tutoring system, resulting in designing a large tutoring mesh, which is actually an improvement over older systems or smaller sized meshes has many advantages when compared with traditional trellising.
Benefits or vegetable support with cucumber net
These HORTICULTURE nets are similar to others that bear the name of the crop in question, as for example tomato net.
The cucumber-net is a tutor that has gained ground in agriculture compared with raffia tutoring.
The disadvantages of the trellising with raffia are:
Raffia twine requires a greater financial disbursement, as it takes longer to perform the various plant tutoring activities and it requires a large amount of manpower. Raffia is a unstable support structure, because all it take is one thread to break or be cut accidentally during cultivation tasks such as pruning, and the whole tutoring espalier will come down and collapse, damaging all the plants involved. .As far as plant health, the use of raffia may aid in the development of pathogens that threaten the health of a plant or crop as a whole micro-environment. At the end of each cycle, raffia must completely removed since bacteria and other microorganism may be in the crests and twists of the agricultural twine, therefore there will be no opportunity to reuse this raffia for more than one cycle in order to ensure top phytosanitary conditions, on the contrary since crop netting has a smooth surface it will be reused many times over.

The advantage of the support network is that it can be reused more than once as it is made of plastic and has a smooth surface unlike the agricultural raffia.
By providing a tutoring system to the cucumber plant we minimize risks for many crops cycles as cucumber-net is a plant tutor with the strength necessary to support and hold the weight of the crop for the growing period..
Trellising net requires fewer labor hours, and it expedite the realization of other cultural practices (such as pruning and harvesting). The cucumber net can be reused for more than one growing period or crop.

Another advantage of the lattice network is that it is easy to use and requires less work hours when installing it.
Also the great advantage of HORTOMALLAS netting is the minimization of opportunities for mechanical transmission of a plant pathogens, as the plants need less manual intervention, there.
The cucumber-net, as is one of many names for not only is used to guide the growth of cucumber crop.

The lattice net is not only used for cucumber plants, it is also used for pumpkins, tomatoes and melons.
The cucumber plant belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, such as chayote squash, melons and pumpkins. They have similar growth patterns and traits, like the fact that the tendrils will grab and hold on to the meshes of the vegetable netting which is a great advantage for this crop as it will increase airflow and therefore reduce the incidence of fungal attacks or from pathogens attracted to these crops by humidity trapped in their leaf systems. Trellis netting also works as plant support for other vegetables, like the ones belonging to the solonaceae group, such as: tomatoes, peppers or eggplant; the horticultural net can be adapted to the characteristics that each species presents, taking into account the specific trellising and training needs.
Having a support such as cucumber-net is indispensable for specific horticultural crops in order to achieve a good economic result. HORTOMALLAS trellis netting is also recommended in greenhouses´ high-wire cropping/plant training, Hortomallas replaces the raffia also in protected growing environments as it offers advantages not known to raffia twine.
Once we decide to support crops with HORTOMALLAS, we will be providing our plants with great growing conditions for the maximum fruit development, since we will finally have a chance to obtain higher yield and field production with better quality, which in turn comes down to an improved economic performance..
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